Wilbecks Notes and Rests Magnets
The Notation Magnets can be used to manipulate and create music notation, helping students to understand how music is written and why it is written that way. Through hands-on activity students can engage with important aspects of music notation such as time signatures, key signatures, pitch, rhythm, and dynamics. As the proverb says, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
The Notes and Rests set includes:
• Notes:
• 4 whole notes (semibreves)
• 6 half notes (minims) with stems attached
• 12 quarter notes (crotchets) with stems attached
• 2 eighth notes (quavers) with stems attached
• For building chords and eighth-note groupings:
• 4 half note (minim) note-heads for building chords
• 8 black note-heads for building chords, and for forming eighth and sixteenth (etc) note groupings, with the whiteboard pen being used to draw the stems and beams.
• 6 stems for chords. The stems can also be used as bar-lines.
• 2 long stems for building larger chords
• Rests:
• 6 whole rests/half rests (semibreve/minim rests)
• 6 quarter rests (crotchet rests)
• 4 eighth rests (quaver rests)
• 8 dots for making dotted notes and rests.
• The Notes and Rests Magnets work with both the Large and Small Magnetic Staves. This is because the printed Grand Stave is the same on both the Large and the Small Magnetic Staves, ie. the stave lines are the same distance apart.
The Notes & Rests Magnets are made of quarter inch (6mm) thick magnetic-backed foam, making them easy to pick up and place on the Magnetic Stave.
**This item (excluding digital downloads) is usually in stock. However, if you do not wish to purchase a product that may be on backorder please email us at info@blackrockmusic.com.au to confirm stock.**
The Notes and Rests set includes:
• Notes:
• 4 whole notes (semibreves)
• 6 half notes (minims) with stems attached
• 12 quarter notes (crotchets) with stems attached
• 2 eighth notes (quavers) with stems attached
• For building chords and eighth-note groupings:
• 4 half note (minim) note-heads for building chords
• 8 black note-heads for building chords, and for forming eighth and sixteenth (etc) note groupings, with the whiteboard pen being used to draw the stems and beams.
• 6 stems for chords. The stems can also be used as bar-lines.
• 2 long stems for building larger chords
• Rests:
• 6 whole rests/half rests (semibreve/minim rests)
• 6 quarter rests (crotchet rests)
• 4 eighth rests (quaver rests)
• 8 dots for making dotted notes and rests.
• The Notes and Rests Magnets work with both the Large and Small Magnetic Staves. This is because the printed Grand Stave is the same on both the Large and the Small Magnetic Staves, ie. the stave lines are the same distance apart.
The Notes & Rests Magnets are made of quarter inch (6mm) thick magnetic-backed foam, making them easy to pick up and place on the Magnetic Stave.
**This item (excluding digital downloads) is usually in stock. However, if you do not wish to purchase a product that may be on backorder please email us at info@blackrockmusic.com.au to confirm stock.**