An outstanding Christmas book that correlates with Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Piano Lessons Book 5, this songbook is also a perfect supplementary choice for all methods. The expertly arranged solos include a variety of musical styles, from African-American spirituals to contemporary, seasonal hit tunes. Fully orchestrated CD and GM accompaniment disksare available separately. This CD has a practice and a performance trac k for each song. 12 songs: The Christmas Waltz · Dance of the Sugar PlumFairy · God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen · I Wonder As I Wander · Jingle Be lls · Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! · March · Mary Had a Baby ·Mister Santa · Still, Still, Still · Tennessee Christmas · Toyland. Lev el: Intermediate. Reading range: entire keyboard. Keys: C, G, F, D, B-Flat Major, and a, d and e minor. Full chords and inversions.
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