Looking for fun pieces for a beginner? This book of pop songs integrates with Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Piano Lessons Book 1, If you are looking for extra pieces to play, this book is perfect! With large notation, it looks easy to read. This book contains 10 well loved songs with along with teacher accompaniments: Beauty and the Beast • Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead • Do You Hear the People Sing? • Edelweiss • Lean on Me • The Loco-Motion • Over the Rainbow • The Rainbow Connection • Smile • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Level: basic note values and rests; sharps, flats and naturals; 3/4, 4/4 time; melodic and harmonic intervals through to a 5th; limited use of hands-together passages. Reading range: from Bass Clef – B (a6th below Middle C), to Treble Clef – B (a 7th above Middl e C).
The CD includes MIDI tracks at practice and performance tempos for each song in the book.
**This item (excluding digital downloads) is usually in stock. However, if you do not wish to purchase a product that may be on backorder please email us at info@blackrockmusic.com.au to confirm stock.**
Level: basic note values and rests; sharps, flats and naturals; 3/4, 4/4 time; melodic and harmonic intervals through to a 5th; limited use of hands-together passages. Reading range: from Bass Clef – B (a6th below Middle C), to Treble Clef – B (a 7th above Middl e C).
The CD includes MIDI tracks at practice and performance tempos for each song in the book.
**This item (excluding digital downloads) is usually in stock. However, if you do not wish to purchase a product that may be on backorder please email us at info@blackrockmusic.com.au to confirm stock.**