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Level 1

Edna-Mae Burnam's A Dozen A Day books have been enjoyed by milions of Piano students around the world since they were first published in 1954.The six volumes of Burnam's original series provide a comprehensive, progressive course in Piano technique, combining pedagogical rigour with descriptive titles and iconic illustrations.This new anthology...
The iconic A Dozen a Day books have been in piano studios around the world since 1950. Written and illustrated by Edna Mae Burnam, a second-generation piano teacher, the books are universally recognized as one of the most practical technique series on the market. The series is made up of...
The Dozen a Day books are universally recognized as one of the most remarkable technique series on the market for all ages! Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of each practice session, providing excellent day-to-day training for the student.
Each book in this series contains short warm-up exercises to be played at the beginning of the student's practice session. Performing these technical exercises will help develop strong hands and flexible fingers.
The A Dozen a Day Songbook series contains wonderful Broadway, movie and pop hits that may be used as companion pieces to the memorable technique exercises in the A Dozen a Day series. Also suitable as supplements with ANY method!Songs in Book 1 include: Cabaret • Climb Ev'ry Mountain •...
The A Dozen a Day Songbook series contains wonderful Broadway, movie and pop hits that may be used as companion pieces to the memorable technique exercises in the A Dozen a Day series. Also suitable as supplements with ANY method!Songs in Book 1 include: Cabaret • Climb Ev'ry Mountain •...
The Universal Edition is designed for all English-speaking countries outside of the United States, including Canada, the U. K. and Australia. This edition uses the British system of terminology for rhythmic values such as "crotchet" for quarter note. This course is most effective when used under the direction of a...
Complete Level 1 is a faster-paced version of Levels 1A and 1B that getsto note reading more quickly. Perfect for a student who is 8 or older oreven a younger beginner with great musical aptitude. This course is most effective when used under the direction of a piano teacher or...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book Level 1A begins by teaching basic keyboard topography and fluent recognition of white key names in relation to black keys. It focuses on simple rhythms and prepares students for intervallic reading with entertaining songs...
This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition. Lesson Book 1B begins by reviewing the concepts taught in Lesson Book 1A, then introduces new concepts such as incomplete measures, tempo markings, eighth notes and rests, using the damper pedal, half steps and whole steps....
Students needing to review and improve their note-naming and interval-naming skills will benefit greatly from these well-prepared Notespeller Books. Each book provides a variety of written activities that reinforce note reading concepts presented in the Lesson Books. Correlates page-by-page with the Lesson Books, but may also serve as an effective...
Designed to coordinate page-by-page with the Lesson Books. Contains enjoyable games and quizzes that reinforce the principles presented in the Lesson Books. Students can increase their musical understanding while they are away from the keyboard.
Designed to coordinate page-by-page with Lesson Book 1B. Contains enjoyable games and quizzes that reinforce the principles presented in the Lesson Book. Students can increase their musical understanding while they are away from the keyboard.
Alfred's Top Hits series has overwhelmingly been accepted by students and teachers. This series combines just the right combination of hits from Broadway, Hollywood, television and recordings! As you might expect from Alfred, this series offers a rare combination of great music arranged with care and creativity. Your beginning and...
Traditional carols have been arranged to match the first three levels ofthe American Popular Piano series by Christopher Norton and Scott McBri de Smith. Each book includes lyrical pieces with rich harmonies, up-tempo rhythmic pieces, and ensemble works meant to be played with other musicians. Backing tracks are available for...
This course of study for piano, published by Novus Via Music Group, is now distributed by Hal Leonard. It features eleven progressive levels, with four different books at each level: repertoire, etudes, skills, and technic. It starts with a preparatory level for first year students, and then includes levels 1-10...
This course of study for piano, published by Novus Via Music Group, is now distributed by Hal Leonard. It features eleven progressive levels, with four different books at each level: repertoire, etudes, skills, and technic. It starts with a preparatory level for first year students, and then includes levels 1-10...
This course of study for piano, published by Novus Via Music Group, is now distributed by Hal Leonard. It features eleven progressive levels, with four different books at each level: repertoire, etudes, skills, and technic. It starts with a preparatory level for first year students, and then includes levels 1-10...
This course of study for piano, published by Novus Via Music Group, is now distributed by Hal Leonard. It features eleven progressive levels, with four different books at each level: repertoire, etudes, skills, and technic. It starts with a preparatory level for first year students, and then includes levels 1-10...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly with this marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essential Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly with this marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essential Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
Organize concerts with your beginning groups quickly and painlessly withthis marvelous band collection of arrangements from the popular Essenti al Elements Band Series. Featuring 15 titles that correlate with the playing levels from Book 1 of the Essential Elements Band Method, this collection provides a variety of styles perfect for...
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