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Grade 8

Aural Training in Practice offers valuable support to teachers preparing students for ABRSM exams. It is available in three volumes covering Gra des 1 to 3, Grades 4 and 5 and Grades 6 and 8. Each volume includes teaching hints and strategies, many practice exercises for ABRSM exams including answers...
This book contains twelve pieces from ABRSM’s 2019 & 2020 Grade 8 Piano syllabus.Key features: • three pieces from each of Lists A and B and six pieces from List C • appealing and varied repertoire • carefully edited and clearly presented throughout • helpful information about the pieces and...
This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 8 Piano syllabus for 2021 & 2022, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The pieces have been carefully selected to offer an attractive and varied range of styles, creating a collection that provides an excellent source of...
This book contains nine pieces from ABRSM's Grade 8 Piano syllabus for 2021 & 2022, three pieces chosen from each of Lists A, B and C. The pieces have been carefully selected to offer an attractive and varied range of styles, creating a collection that provides an excellent source of...
A complete guide to taking AMEB practical and written music examinations in 2022. This detailed collection of music syllabuses outlines the requirements for taking exams at all grade and diploma levels including the syllabus objectives, repertoire options, technical work and additional requirements. This publication includes general requirements, test requirements, regulations, successful candidates,...
A structured course in the development of sight-reading specifically for Musical Theatre containing examples of the kind of sight-reading material candidates may encounter in examinations from Preliminary to Grade 8.
Collection of graded vocalises and exercises that make up the technical work requirements for AMEB Musical Theatre examinations from Preliminary to Grade 8. The custom-composed vocalises and exercises focus on developing a range of appropriate vocal techniques while building general musical, performance and presentation skills.
Contains all of the technical work required by the AMEB Oboe Syllabus for examinations from Preliminary to Eighth Grade. The Technical Work book features fully-notated scales, arpeggios and technical exercises in a logical and convenient layout.
Collection of graded repertoire for AMEB Piano for Leisure exams. Carefully selected by top Australian Piano performers and pedagogues, the grade books feature a diversity of musical styles and often include works by celebrated Australian composers. Repertoire is carefully coordinated toalign with the technical requirements at each grade level.
Collection of graded repertoire for AMEB Piano for Leisure exams. Carefully selected by top Australian Piano performers and pedagogues, the grade books feature a diversity of musical styles and often include works by celebrated Australian composers. Repertoire is carefully coordinated to align with the technical requirements at each grade level.
Contains a CD with recordings of all the repertoire that is contained in the corresponding grade book, as well as detailed analyses of all thesepieces with a wealth of information about the historical, biographical and interpretative elements of each of the works. Complete with a glossary of key terms, this...
Collection of graded repertoire for AMEB Piano for Leisure exams. Carefully selected by top Australian Piano performers and pedagogues, the grade books feature a diversity of musical styles and often include works by celebrated Australian composers. Repertoire is carefully coordinated to align with the technical requirements at each grade level.
The Piano for Leisure Series 4 Recording and Handbooks contain a wealth of information about the historical, biographical and interpretative 'landscapes' of each of the works and should help students to address the Section III requirements (General Knowledge) of examinations.The recordings that accompany this publication are available via digital download...
Collection of graded repertoire for AMEB Piano exams. Carefully selected by top Australian Piano performers and pedagogues, the grade books feature a diversity of musical styles and often include works by celebrated Australian composers. Repertoire is carefully coordinated to align with the technical requirements at each grade level.
Contains a CD with recordings of all the repertoire that is contained inthe corresponding grade book, as well as detailed analyses of all these pieces with a wealth of information about the historical, biographical and interpretative elements of each of the works. Complete with a glossary of key terms, this...
Contains all of the technical work required by the AMEB Violin syllabus (2022) for exams from Preliminary to Grade 8. Features fully-notated scales, arpeggios and technical exercises in a logical and convenient layout.
AMEB's original collection of graded Aural tests to assist candidates preparing for the Section III portion of AMEB practical exams. This classic edition includes a graded series of ear tests based on the requirements for practical examinations from Preliminary upwards. Please note, this edition does not include recordings, please see...
Aural tests are an essential part of all practical exams from Preliminary to Eighth grade. This new collection includes a series of graded tests and recordings at each grade level to assist candidates preparing for the Aural tests portion of AMEB practical exams. The tests include exam instructions, task descriptions,...
This collection of Aural tests by the esteemed Australian composer and educator Dulcie Holland covers all grades of practical examinations and includes suggested methods of approach.
Contains all of the technical work required by the AMEB Bassoon Syllabus for examinations from First Grade to Eighth Grade. The Technical Work book features fully-notated scales, arpeggios and technical exercises in a logical and convenient layout.
The BlitzBook of Harmony Rules is an indispensable tool for any harmony student. It has helped countless students doing grades 3-6 in Theory or Musicianship as they now have a concise and easy-to-follow reference book which contains all they need to know to complete 4-part harmony examples in either pianoforte...
These 24 Studies were specifically written by Boehm from his intimate knowledge of the new flute which was constructed by and named after him. The purpose was not only to demonstrate that all the 24 keys could be played reliably and smoothly, but also to provide technical exercises precisely in...
Contains all of the orchestral excerpts required by the AMEB Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Euphonium and Tuba Syllabuses for examinations from Fifth to Eighth Grade. The Orchestral Excerpts book features over 200 excerpts of varying degrees of difficulty selected from periods of music appropriate to the instruments.
A structured course in the development of sight-reading for Brass containing examples of the kind of sight-reading material candidates may encounter in examinations from First Grade to Eighth Grade.
A structured course in the development of sight-reading for cellists containing examples of the kind of sight-reading material candidates may encounter in examinations from Preliminary to Eighth Grade.
Contains all of the technical work required by the AMEB Cello Syllabus for examinations from Preliminary to Eighth Grade. The Technical Work book features fully-notated scales, arpeggios and technical exercises in a logical and convenient layout.
Items 1 to 30 of 98 total