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Faber Piano Adventures

Playing 5-finger scales has significant value for early-level pianists. This innovative book helps students chart progress through all major and minor 5-finger scales, cross-hand arpeggios, and primary chords. Engaging teacher duets for each key are used for scale exercises. Students also enjoy improvisation activities for each key with creative prompts...
Piano Level: 3B and upScales and arpeggios are the backbone of confident, polished playing. Practicing these two pillars of technique develops dexterity and speed. When combined with essential music theory patterns, the result is "harmony in motion." Not just a reference for technical progress, Scale and Chord Book 3 encourages...
Level 1 students can have lots of fun while developing strong sightreading skills. This inventive course uses sets of exercises based on melodic and rhythmic patterns from the Level 1 Lesson Book. Students play one exercise a day, while enjoying the entertaining musical art that guides their sightreading progress.
This innovative sightreading book for Level 2A builds confident readers through recognition of individual notes and perception of note patterns, both rhythmic and melodic. Entertaining musical art and rhythm road exercises motivate and guide student progress.
Good sightreading skill is a powerful asset for the developing musician.Carefully composed variations of the Level 2B Lesson Book pieces help t he student see the “new” against the backdrop of the “familiar.” Fun, lively characters instruct students and motivate sightreading with a spirit of adventure and fun.
This early-intermediate sightreading book presents carefully crafted variations of 3A Lesson Book pieces. The student gains confidence with the familiar and challenge in perceiving the new. Sighteading goes “beyond the notes” to recognition of musical patterns: the Alberti Bass accompaniment, chunking rhythm patterns in 3/8 and 68 time, the triplet...
As the music becomes more complex, an initial scanning of the music is greatly encouraged: Is the key in major or in the relative minor? Spot the rhythm pattern used throughout. Plan how you will play the last arpeggiated chord. Students gain experience in C and Am, G and Em,...
By Level 4 students are sightreading variations on Scott Joplin's “Maple Leaf Rag,” new settings of Grieg's “Hall of the Mountain King,” and patterned variations of Bach's “Prelude in C.” Rhythm patterns become more complex with the dotted eighth to sixteenth; harmonic patterns advance to the V7 chord in root...
This inventive sightreading course uses sets of exercises based on melodic and rhythmic patterns from the 2nd Edition Primer Lesson Book. Students play one exercise a day, completing one set per week. Entertaining musical art helps guide the sightreading process and each page presents a new learning vignette in a...
Achievement is a step-by-step adventure! Over 300 “Stickers That Teach” invite early elementary students to show what they know by completing each sticker's musical task. Review music symbols, terms, and techniques while having fun with song characters, animals, sports, holidays, and more. Also included are Award Stickers such as “Best...
This innovative Teacher Guide for the 2nd Edition Primer Lesson Book breaks new ground with its comprehensive approach and teaching videos. The 208-page guide presents a systematic approach for teaching beginning students using the Fabers' student-centered philosophy, including complete lesson plans, tips for reinforcing concepts and skills, and ideas for...
The 2nd Edition of this ground-breaking book integrates of technique and artistry, giving students the tools for expressive performance. Four effective “Technique Secrets” open the book, followed by engaging technical exercises. The “Artistry Magic” pieces at the end of each unit promote expressive, pianistic playing for the Level 1 student.
The 2nd Edition Level 2A Technique & Artistry Book features effective “Technique Secret” exercises which train students in firm fingertips, light thumb, fast fingers, hands together coordination, and wrist float-off. An “Artistry Magic” piece at the end of each unit explores expressive playing. A useful reference section presents all twelve...
Enhancements to the 2nd Edition Level 2B Technique & Artistry Book include emphasis on pattern recognition, new teacher duets for several Artistry Magic pieces, and a new exercise to prepare students for playing chord changes. The four effective technique secrets are used as warm-ups throughout the book.
The Technique & Artistry books combine two essential elements of pianistic technical skill and artistic performance. This smooth, integrated approach builds basic elements of piano technique, always directed toward an artistic goal. This book features “Technique Secrets,” “Artistry Magic,” and a Level 3A appendix of scales, arpeggios, and chords.
The integration of technique and artistry in this course gives students the tools of expressive performance. Students will build a technical foundation with the purpose of artistic playing through the use of “Technique Secrets,” “Artistry Magic” pages, and an appendix of scales and triads.
The new Level 4 Technique & Artistry Book combines two elements of pianism: technical skill and artistic performance. This smooth, integrated approach builds basic elements of piano technique, always directed toward an artistic goal. Four powerful exercises called “Technique Secrets” help intermediate students build a strong technical foundation. “Artistry Magic”...
The 2nd Edition of this ground-breaking book combines two essential elements of pianism: technical skill and artistic performance. “Technique Secrets” open the book, followed by engaging technical exercises. An “Artistry Magic” piece at the end of each unit promotes expressive, pianistic playing at the earliest level.
Technique and artistry are embedded in Nancy and Randall Faber's Piano Adventures® curriculum. At each level, the Technique & Artistry books present “Technique Secrets” – imaginative metaphors that communicate essential pianistic movements, gestures, and touches. These “secrets” present a harmonious sequence of progressing skill development. With this impressive wall poster...
A leading choice in university programs and music studios around the world this student-centered approach uses analysis, creativity, and expression to develop a musical mind and heart. The delightful, pianistic pieces and creative theory pages, combined with an outstanding technical approach encourage practice and progress with adventure! The 2nd Edition...
The 2nd Edition Level 2A Theory Book has thematic tie-in with the Level 2A Lesson Book, inviting students into the pages for deeper understanding. A wide variety of theory activities engage students with eighth notes, phrases, transposition, and 5-finger scales. Composer biographies provide valuable context for Lesson Book pieces while...
The thorough reinvention of the 2B Theory Book offers eight superb new pages for in-depth study of chords, harmonization, and rhythm. New improvisation activities offer creative exploration of scales in C major, G major and F major.
Designed to be used in conjunction with the other books in 3A, this book reinforces theory concepts through writing, sightreading, and ear-training activities.
The theory book is designed to be used in conjunction with the other books in Level 3B. It provides instruction, reinforcement, and creative applications of theory concepts through writing, sightreading and ear-training activities.
Designed to be used in conjunction with the other books in Level 4, this book provides instruction, reinforcement, and creative applications of basic theory concepts.
Designed to be used in conjunction with the other books in Level 5, this book reinforces theory concepts through writing, sightreading, and ear-training activities.
The 2nd Edition Primer Theory Book provides important reinforcement and creative application of basic theory concepts. Students will enjoy note-naming with StoryRhymes, exploring improvisation, and engage with eye-training and ear-training activities – all within a fun-filled context tied thematically to the Primer Lesson Book pieces.
Favorite Christmas carols and songs arranged for the beginning pianist. Contents include: Jingle Bells • O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) • When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter • Silent Night • Away in a Manger • The First Noel • Joy to the World • Rudolph the Red-Nosed...
Excellent introduction to the best-known symphonic and operatic literature of the great composers. The selections have been chosen for their appealing melodies and rhythmic vitality. Includes: Turkish March (from The Ruins of Athens) by Beethoven • Romance (from A Little Night Music) by Mozart • The Trout (Die Forelle) by...
Items 121 to 150 of 166 total