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For generations of music students, notespellers have played an essential role in helping students gain confidence with note reading skills. Notespeller Stories & Games – Around the World created by Karen Harrington, author of the Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Notespellers and The Piano Teacher's Resource Kit, has done it...
Nicola Vaccai's Practical Method of Italian Singing (Metodo practico di canto Italiano per Camera) is an indispensable introduction to classical singing and especially to singing in Italian. There are 15 lessons and rather than using scales and exercises, Vaccai has set Metastasio's poetry to musical pieces, each one focusing on...
A set of practice exam papers by Dulcie Holland for Grade 1 Musicianship
A set of practice exam papers by Dulcie Holland for Grade 2 Musicianship
A set of practice exam papers by Dulcie Holland for Grade 3 Musicianship
A set of practice exam papers by Dulcie Holland for Grade 4 Musicianship
A set of practice exam papers by Dulcie Holland for Grade 5 Musicianship
Put your knowledge to the test. Geared towards AMEB theory exams each book contains 10 test papers.
Put your knowledge to the test. Geared towards AMEB theory exams each book contains 10 test papers.
Put your knowledge to the test. Geared towards AMEB theory exams each book contains 10 test papers.
Put your knowledge to the test. Geared towards AMEB theory exams each book contains 10 test papers.
Put your knowledge to the test. Geared towards AMEB theory exams each book contains 10 test papers.
Put your knowledge to the test. Geared towards AMEB theory exams each book contains 10 test papers.
For decades this series has been the standard go-to text for music students and those wishing to sit for AMEB Theory examinations. Each book contains all the information required to develop the knowledge and understanding needed to pass that grade.
Sight Reading: The Rhythm Book is a graded workbook for instrumentalistsand vocalists designed to develop sight reading and rhythmic skills by presenting a course of progressive lessons and studies specifically aimed at these areas. Many different rhythmic groupings and writing styles and clearly presented and analyzed. This book will provide...
Ten Theory Papers with working notes by William Lovelock to help guide you through the first grade theory exam.
Ten Theory Papers with working notes by William Lovelock to help guide you through the second grade theory exam.
Ten Theory Papers with working notes by William Lovelock to help guide you through the third grade theory exam.
Ten Theory Papers with working notes by William Lovelock to help guide you through the fourth grade theory exam.
The AB Guide to Music Theory provides an introduction to the basic elements in harmony and musical structure in a clear and concise way. Eric Taylor explains the rudiments of theory so that everyone can understand them. This volume covers the basics of rhythm and tempo, an introduction to pitch,...
Theory needn't be boring! Master the basics with these music theory puzzles and games, with helpful hints from a motley crew of cartoon characters. Great preparation for theory exams and helpful for your music lessons: ideal for instrumentalists as well as pianists.
easiLEARN Theory Fundamentals make learning theory fun and easy. The 4 books in the series have been carefully planned to prepare students for early AMEB, Trinity College and ANZCA examinations. Written by Gillian Erskine & Paul Myatt
Best selling Theory Fundamentals by easiLEARNmusic is a series of full colour theory books designed to make learning theory fun and easy. Popular as a classroom text these books are suitable for all ages and are designed to engage the learner and make learning theory fun and easy. One page...
Best selling Theory Fundamentals by easiLEARNmusic is a series of full colour theory books designed to make learning theory fun and easy. Popular as a classroom text these books are suitable for all ages and are designed to engage the learner and make learning theory fun and easy. One page...
This beautifully illustrated Music Sticker Fun Book tells the engaging story of the Magic Music Castle with Queen Treble Clef, King Bass Clef and the music castle family. This book uses a middle C approach as it introduces 5 notes above and below Prince Middle C. Note Values and basic...
The most fun you'll have learning your music notes! This full colour, best seller comes with a stack of online lessons, quizzes, flashcards and game one to fast track your learning success and make learning notes fun. You'll learn all the basics of reading music and it's fun zooming through the one...
Theory Fundamentals Prep is jam packed full of fun ways to learn theory. The quiz book approach makes learning fun. Online lessons (do the teaching for you) and quizzes will keep your tech-savvy kids entertained while learning. Game Zone & make & play Flashcards are fun!  It's never been so easy to get...
This great series presents music theory to children aged 4 to 7 years. Simple exercises, with simple instructions introduce the basics of music theory in a way children can relate to. Beautifully illustrated throughout with plenty of games,puzzles and stickers it's no wonder that this series has become one our...
This great series presents music theory to children aged 4 to 7 years. Simple exercises, with simple instructions introduce the basics of music theory in a way children can relate to. Beautifully illustrated throughout with plenty of games, puzzles and stickers it's no wonder that this sries has become one...
This book by John Brimhall is a very useful tool for those wanting an introduction to the theory of music. Contains 87 one-page lessons with each concluding in practical exercises. Suitable for slightly older students and adults with no previous music theory knowledge.
Items 91 to 120 of 131 total